Articles & Papers
The articles were published in Model Yachting and are made available courtesy of the author.

DX6i Programming Tip provides info to use the programmable mixes for "G" & "P" switches described in the Dynamic Twist article below on a DX6i.
"Rudderless" techniques to minimize rudder movements and improve boat speed.
"Dynamic Twist article" describes how using programmable switches and mixes available on computer radio transmitters can be used to enhance racing performance.
SailDesignTechnology - "Adapting Full Sized Sailmaking Design and Broad Seaming Techniques to Model Yacht Sails" The engineering behind Sirius Sails and a description of modern sail design techniques.
"Fast Guy II article" (Upwind racing tactics)
"Slot Article" is a technical review of how sails really work and provides insights for optimizing sail trim for performance racing.
"Fast Guy article" discusses how thinking about sail trim as managing power, instead of repeating settings, can be used to help skippers become better sail trimmers.
"Star 45 Build Articlebuild article" describes techniques used to build a fiberglass Star 45 and options for using low-cost winches for sail control.
"NeedSpeed Article" how and why to use a "Speed Bubble" trim technique to extend upwind and downwind performance.
"Waterline Article" describes how to easily tell if your boat is even with, passed, or short of the mark.